American Heart Association BLS for the Healthcare Provider Online Course with Classroom Skills Check:
A 2 hour online course covering content on adult, children, and infants for the healthcare provider. Online portions are completed at the student's leisure, are not timed, and are available for purchase here. Certificate issuance is dependent on instructor observation of required skills performance and successful completion of the BLS HeartCode. A successful completion certificate less than three months old must be submitted to begin the skills portion of the training. Skills observation sessions are usually scheduled for 1 hour, but time can vary due to size of class and skill level of the participant(s). Feel free to discuss the specifics of your group.
Content for All Course Options:
Scene Safety
Assessing Responsiveness
Calling 911/Activating EMS
CAB - Circulation, Airway, Breathing
Rescue Breathing on Infant, Child, and Adult
Barrier Devices for Ventilating Infant, Child, and Adult
CPR One-person, Two-person on Infant, Child, and Adult
Clearing and Protecting an Airway on Infant, Child, and Adult
Chain of Survival Including Hands-on Practice with the AED
Skills Verification
Written Examination